Day 3: 28 October 2020


Day 3: 28 October 2020     #100DaysofCode

It's the third day of the challenge taken by me on LinkedIn. Today I have solved some problems with the array rotation method on HackerRank and also learn the python Tkinter module.

Today I have solved array rotation by using 2 methods, first is rotate one by one, and the second is the Juggling method.

My Github Repository Link - 100DaysofCode

Today I am solved :
  1.  C++ program to rotate an array by one by one rotate. (Click on the link to see the problem)
  2. Juggling algorithm for array rotation. (Click on the link to see the problem)
  • I will update my daily basis progress on my personal Blogspot website, Code Help
  • All codes/program files will have a full problem statement, time and space complexity, Approach to solve the problem, necessary comments for a better understanding of code, and steps.
  • I am taking this challenge #100daysofCode inspired by @Alex Kallaway @Manvi Chaddha @Lakshay Saini @Kiran Kumar Rayadurgam and many more...

  • Screenshots:

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